Monday, July 14, 2014

Parent Input

Making parents a part of your classroom is crucial. It is not teachers vs. parents. It should be teachers and parents working together on the same team. In order to let parents know that I welcome their feedback, I send out parent surveys. (If you are very sensitive or insecure about your teaching, think twice before doing this.) 

I find it very beneficial to send these out a week prior to conferences and then discuss results with parents at conferences. At times, the surveys show a misunderstanding or miscommunication between parents and teachers. At other times, it demonstrates a disgruntled parent or two so that you can begin to repair the parent/teacher relationship before a problem arises. Best of all, this survey allows parents a chance to know their voices are heard and are important because they are an integral part of their child's educational team. I send the survey out 3 times a year. Once right before fall conferences, again right before Christmas break, and finally one last time in May with an emphasis with what I can improve for next year's parents. 
You can find a copy of my parent survey here.

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