Each student is assigned a clip and after publishing a piece of writing they can post it to the author's at work board for others to read. Students love to post for the class. Each Friday, students are chosen to share their published work aloud with the class.
Time bubbles around the clock to help develop their skills with telling time. Reminder anchor charts are posted next to the clock and reviewed throughout the year.
The CAFE wall from the 2 sister's book. Students draw on index cards to represent the reading skill we have been working on. Below the board is attached decoding books that hang on rings. Students can borrow these during reading to help them remember decoding strategies. (I use flippy the dolphin etc.)
Some students are asked to use these everyday during our conferences about reading goals.
Above my desk is our Iowa Core/Common Core standards board. Students can see it, and it is directly in front of my desk as I lesson plan and create assessments.
A number line with negative numbers is always present in my room so students understand that there are numbers beyond 0. It also is great for our economics unit when talking about debt.
Above that are posted prayers for the end of the day since I taught at a Catholic School.
These are a few of my most critical bulletin boards and displays in my classroom. More to come in the following days.
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